This past week I decided to get back on the motivation train (if thats a thing) and share my tips with you!
- Stop weighing yourself everyday. Aim for once a week.
- Remember why you started. To feel healthier.
- Change up your diet. And drink A LOT more water.
- Try a new anything. A new TV show. A new way to walk home. A new diet. A new pair of socks.
- Get new sneakers! Look jazzy.
- That gym cutie ain't gonna be checked out by anyone anymore. You are helping the world by going.
- Workout at home? Download an app that counts your steps. You'll have a daily goal.
- Follow fitness-y people on Instagram. Its amazing how much they can motivate you.
- Buy yourself a cute outfit but in the size you want to be (realistically, I know I'll never be an XSMALL). A goal.
- Yeah summer is a good goal but a healthy life is a better goal.
- Download a good podcast. But only listen to it when you workout. You'll want to know what is happening next.
Boom! Motivation.
Believe in yourself. I believe in you.
Until next time.